My boys: Larry, Dresden, & Logan. I love it when the boys come into our room and jump up on our bed and we wrestle and tickle and giggle and laugh together.
Driving fast on the freeway in the evening time with the windows unrolled and the wind blowing through my hair.
Swimming. And I’m not talking about swimming laps. I just love being in water. It is so relaxing and soothing to me. I would love to have a swimming pool in our backyard but that is completely impractical so I may just have to settle with a hot tub.
I am afraid that someone will break into our house. I don’t know why I have this fear but I will wakeup in the middle of the night fearful that a door isn’t locked. I know they are but I will have to get up and check the locks anyway.
Not being liked. Everybody wants to be liked and I am no different.
Going along with wanting to be liked I am afraid that people think I don’t like them because I am not outgoing or talkative. I am not one of those people that have something to say about everything or that can talk about themselves easily. I like to keep to myself and in doing that I am afraid I give the impression that I don’t like people.
I’m not much of an obsessive person but I guess one thing that I obsess over is real estate. My most current obsession was the polygamist compound at the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon. I researched the property and found a notice of default. I got all excited thinking maybe I could find an investor to help buy the property (two houses on nearly 4 acres) if the price were reasonable. But after addition research I discovered that there are two notes on the property, one at 1.7 million and the other at 7 million. I guess I won’t be looking for an investor after all…
I love having a clean house but frankly, working fulltime just doesn’t allow for that. Atleast not for me. Anyway, when I vacuum I have to vacuum in straight lines. I love seeing the vacuum lines when I am finished vacuuming and it drives me insane when someone walks across freshly vacuumed floors.
I guess another obsession would include loading the dishwasher. I have a very set way the dishes go in. The forks go in their own slot as do the spoons, forks, knives, and so forth. And, the knives need to be facing down so the boys don’t poke or cut themselves when they get the silverware out. Bowls go in their spot, kids cups in theirs, small glasses, tall glasses. They all have a spot. Larry doesn’t get this but I haven’t really explained it either. It’s just best if I’m not around when he loads the dishwasher.
Remember when I said I don’t easily talk about myself???…..
I was once Miss Congeniality in the Miss Teen Utah Pageant. (my sweet grandma talked me into entering the pageant…not something I wanted to do but I did it for her and had a good time doing it)
I think I should be a racecar driver.
I asked Larry out on our first date. (He'll tell you that my friend asked him out for me but I still figure I did the asking.)
I tag Kristin, Nikki, Bekee, & Deidra