Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Crystal has made me think a lot more about fitness since her "mid-life" post. I am excited that she will be keeping a journal that we can go to and read about her success and challenges and suggestions and so on. I did want to post a website that I occasionally go to. I am planning on changing my ways and visiting the website daily. You can log in and keep track of the exercise you do and the food you eat and it will graph your weight loss. It's a really good resource to find out how many calories you burn while running, walking, reading, or even your bedroom activities. It is also a good resource for finding out how many calories are in a banana, broccoli, Big Mac, or Rocky Road ice cream. It's a pretty great website if you are dedicated to logging in and taking advantage of the resources it offers. Oh, and did I mention it's free?! http://www.calorie-count.com/


R-Eight said...

robin and I have this on our favorites this summer. She has lost 7 lbs, I hve lost 0. BOOO!

Nana Donna said...
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Nana Donna said...

Thanks for your new posting. I was just in the middle of enjoying some potato chips as a snack when I read your poting. I guess I should stop eating and take Tayler for a walk.

Nicole said...

I'm worse than mom. Propably worse than everyone nowadays. I just ate a number 9 value meal from taco bell this morning on my way to work at about 5:50 am. It is the crunchwrap supreme and is sooooooooo good. But perhaps I should be a little more cognisant of what I'm eating, especially since Nikki and I are going to Puerta Vallarta at the end of next month. Or perhaps I can run with the whole, "Great White God" idea and introduce Nicole and I, "Hi, I'm Quetzequoatal, and this is my beautiful wife Nicole. K, I better get back to work.