So, last year Dresden was really into Star Wars so our family dressed up as Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Darth Vader, and Yoda. This year we are still undecided about what we should dress up as. Dresden is leaning towards a "Doofuss". He wanted to buy some googley eye glasses, which we bought for him, and ever since he has been "Doofus" obsessed. It sure would be an easy costume to come up with, not to mention costing much less than a store bought one.
Here are a few pictures of costumes the boys have worn in the past...

What a fearsome superhero Dresden makes. This, by the way, is Daredevil. Did you know that Dresden shares the same initials as Daredevil??? Gee, I wonder why Dresden was named Dresden DeVon...

"Handsome Little Devil"
was Logan's costume.
He was 6 months old.

Really, can they get much cuter???...