Larry's friends all wanted to go to Metallica which was on the 3rd of November. The wives weren't sure if we wanted to attend with our
husbands but we decided it would be fun to all hang out. We met for dinner and then headed to the concert. Our first experience after walking into the Energy Solutions was a guy spitting on the ground right in front of us. Yes, Metallica brings out the best in people. We then had some fun people watching. There were plenty of women still dressing like their bodies are that of a 20 year old. Some of the bosoms weren't as perky as I am sure they were 20 years ago and stuffed into shirts that didn't exactly hold them in very well. I just don't think some people will ever grow up. Our seats were in the upper bowl and the sound was terrible. This type of music is meant to be heard from the lower bowl of the arena. We have seen Metallica a couple times and I think I prefer the outdoor shows a little better. We had a lot of fun with our friends and are glad we can enjoy concerts together.

The next concert we went to was Jason Mraz. This has been planned for a couple months and I was eagerly waiting for this
trip. For this concert we flew to Vegas for a quick weekend trip. It was just Larry and I that went. We stayed at the Monte Carlo which was just fine as rooms go but the over all ambiance of the hotel and casino was lacking. Let's just say it's no Caesars or Bellagio. Still, the room and service was nice. Saturday night was the concert at the Pearl Theatre. This concert hall was designed and made just for that, concerts. We had such a great time!!! I love how witty and clever and quick talking Jason Mraz is. If any of you have a chance to go see Jason live, DO IT! You won't be disappointed. We sang, we danced, and we had a great time! After the show we had dinner at Little Buddha which was very tasty. This restaurant was not lacking ambiance in the slightest. It was a beautiful restaurant that had a fantastically huge red chandelier, awesome lighting through out the restaurant and a huge golden Buddha sitting above. Our food was delicious our dessert chocolaty and our overall evening worth every penny! I completely enjoyed being with just Larry and we were both in need of the one on one time we got.

The last concert I went to was over the weekend, Coldplay. I had upper bowl tickets for this one
as well so I wasn't really looking forward to another concert with horrible sound. After having dinner with some friends we headed over to Enegry Solutions. Natalie and I made our way 16 rows up in the upper bowl and sat down and waited for the bad sound that was sure to make its way to us. We were pleasantly surprised to hear music that was clear and crisp and sounding great. I had a great time and was glad that Natalie was able to come with me. I hope you had fun! I do have to say that I think Chris Martin has ADHD. Seriously, how can one person have so much energy! He was a manic running all over the stage, keeping his feet moving to the beat, playing the guitar and piano, all while singing and sounding good. He wore me out just watching him. He did keep the audience entertained and I would definitely spend the money again to see Coldplay live.

This is completely uncommon to go to so many concerts in such a short time but I have to say, this was the best birthday month, EVER!