Friday, August 8, 2008

I'm Yours

I just thought I would put a post up of Jason Mraz. I just booked tickets to the show in Vegas and am pretty excited. Jason's music just makes me smile and I can't keep my foot still because it just has to be tapped to his music. Anyway, this is a pretty lame video but the song is great. There is actually a different version that I like better but you get the idea...


Nicole said...

I don't even know who Jason Mraz is, but he sounds intense! You are really going to drive, or fly all the way to Las Vegas just for a concert? Weird! I do like your new border though. K, talk to you later. mike

Shannon said...

Hey Mike - airfare was only $108 rt so we are of course going to fly!!!

R-Eight said...

Fun! His music makes me happy too. Have fun at the concert!

Amy said...

I like Jason Mraz too. You guys are always going somewhere far away to do something fun. I'm jealous.

Robin said...

I LOVE Jason Mraz!!! Have tons of fun!

Tres Chic Boutique said...

Jody loves this song, every time it is on the radio, he blasts it. I love seeing shows (concerts) in Vegas-- it is just so much fun on a trip!